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Cambridge Graphene Centre

Research Centre on Graphene, Layered Crystals and Hybrid Nanomaterials

    65. Dynamic roughening of tetrahedral amorphous carbon. C. Casiraghi, A. C. Ferrari, A. J. Flewitt, D. P. Chu, J. Robertson; Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 226104 (2003) .

    64 Raman spectroscopy of silicon nanowires. S. Piscanec, M. Cantoro, A. C. Ferrari, S. Hofmann, J. A. Zapien, Y. Lifshitz, S. T. Lee, J. Robertson; Phys. Rev. B. 68, 241312 (2003) .

    63. Raman Spectrum of silicon nanowires. S. Piscanec, A. C. Ferrari, M. Cantoro, S. Hofmann, J. A. Zapien, Y. Lifshitz, S. T. Lee, J. Robertson; Mat. Sci. Eng. C. 23, 931 (2003) .

    62. Gold-catalyzed growth of silicon nanowires by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. S. Hofmann, C. Ducati, R. J. Neill, S. Piscanec, A. C. Ferrari, J. Geng, R. Dunin-Borkowski, J. Robertson; J. Appl. Phys.94, 6005 (2003) .

    61. Resonant Raman of amorphous carbon nitrides, the G peak dispersion. A. C. Ferrari, S. E. Rodil, J. Robertson; Diam. Rel. Mats. 12, 905 (2003) .

    60. Interpretation of infrared and Raman spectra of amorphous carbon nitrides. A. C. Ferrari, S. E.Rodil, J. Robertson; Phys. Rev. B. 67, 155306 (2003) .

    59. Infra-red spectra of carbon nitride films. S. E. Rodil, A. C. Ferrari, J. Robertson, S. Muhl; Thin Solid films. 420, 122 (2003) .

    58. Resonant Raman characterisation of ultra-thin nano-protective carbon layers for magnetic storage devices. M. Von Gradowski, A. C. Ferrari, R. Ohr, B. Jacoby, H. Hilgers, H. H. Schneider, H. Adrian; Surf. Coat. Technol 174, 246 (2003) .

    57. Optical Gap in Carbon Nitride Films. S. E. Rodil, S. Muhl, S. Maca, A. C. Ferrari; Thin Solid Films. 433, 119 (2003) .

    56. Raman Spectroscopy of Silicon Nanowires: Phonon Confinement and Anharmonic Phonon Processes. A. C. Ferrari, S. Piscanec, S. Hofmann, M. Cantoro, C. Ducati, J. Robertson; AIP conf. Proc. 685 , 507 (2003) .

    55. Raman spectroscopy from amorphous carbons. A. C. Ferrari, S. Prawer; Section 2.2 of Properties of Amorphous Carbon, IEE-EIMS data review series 29 , p.46, INSPEC (2003).

    54. Brillouin Spectroscopy form amorphous carbons. M. G. Beghi, C. E. Bottani, A. C. Ferrari; Section 5.1 of Properties of Amorphous Carbon, IEE-EIMS datareview series 29, p.137, INSPEC (2003).

    53. X-ray reflectivity from amorphous carbon. A. Libassi, B. K. Tanner, A. C. Ferrari; Section 5.9 of Properties of Amorphous Carbon, IEE-EIMS datareview series 29, p.179, INSPEC (2003).

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