Our Electronics lab is for electrical analysis of graphene products.
For access to the lab, or for any general training, please contact the Lab Leader or their Deputies.
While there is a range of devices in the Electronics lab, several of them require booking before use.
The booking system can be found here.
Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS) - DynoCool from Quantum Design
Principal User: Dr Yang Li A closed cycle refrigerator based testing system, which operates from 1.8 K to 400 K. The system allows applying +/- 14 Tesla at all temperatures of operation. Electrical Transport and DC Resistivity measurements can be performed. Cooling down to 1.8K from room temperature can be achieved in 1h. The tool is also equipped with a dilution refrigerator which allows cooling samples to temperatures as low as 50mK. |
Lakeshore probe station
Principal User: Dr Yang Li A cryogen-free, closed-cycle refrigerator probe station enhanced with a vertical field superconducting magnet of ±2.5 T and temperature control of 10 K to 500 K. C-V, I-V, microwave, electro-optical probing and out-of-plane vertical magnetic field measurements are executable. |
Cascade probe station
Principal User: Dr Hamideh Ramezani A Cascade Summit series semi-automated probe system with loading wafer size large up to 200 mm in diameter. High-precision device characterizations and on-wafer RF/Microwave measurements (up to 1.1THz) with wafer level reliability and yield enhancement are accessible on this probe station. |
EverBeing Probe Station
Principal User: Dr Hamideh Ramezani 4-inch coaxial chuck stage based electrical probe station integrated with 4 high-precision SMUs, making this facility available to many electrical measurements, such as I-V, impedance, sheet resistance, contact resistance over various materials at room temperature. |
Scanning Microwave Microscope (SMM)
Principal User: Dr Xiao Zhang A system which integrates electrical measurement capabilities of a vector network analyzer with spatial resolution of an atomic force microscope, is capable of mapping many properties of materials, such as impedance, capacitance, dielectric constant and dopant concentration etc. |
When in the Electronics Laboratory, please follow the local rules, downloadable here.