491. Chip-Scalable, Room-Temperature, Zero-Bias, Graphene-Based Terahertz Detectors with Nanosecond Response Time. M. Asgari, E. Riccardi, O. Balci, D. De Fazio, S.M. Sinde, J. Zhang, S. Mignuzzi, F.H.L. Koppens, A.C. Ferrari, L. Viti, M.S. Vitiello.; ACS Nano, 15, 17966 (2021). (pdf).
490. High-yield parallel fabrication of quantum-dot monolayer single-electron devices displaying Coulomb staircase, contacted by graphene. J.M. Fruhman, H.P.A.G. Astier, B. Ehrler, M.L. Böhm, L.F.L. Eyre, P.R. Kidambi, U. Sassi, D. De Fazio, J.P. Griffiths, A.J. Robson, B.J. Robinson, S. Hofmann, A.C. Ferrari, C.J.B. Ford.; Nature Commun. 12, 4307 (2021). (pdf). (SI).
489. Chameleon graphene surfaces. A.C. Ferrari.; Nature Photonics 15, 488 (2021). (pdf).
488. Quantum Control of the Tin-Vacancy Spin Qubit in Diamond. R. Debroux, C.P. Michaels, C.M. Purser, N. Wan, M.E. Trusheim, J. Arjona-Martinez, R.A. Parker, A.M. Stramma, K.C. Chen, L. de Santis, E.M. Alexeev, A.C. Ferrari, D. Englund, D.A. Gangloff, M. Atature.; Phys. Rev. X, 11, 041041(2021). (pdf).
487. In Situ Observation of Low-Power Nano-Synaptic Response in Graphene Oxide Using Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy. F. Hui, P. Liu, S.A. Hodge, T. Carey, C. Wen, F. Torrisi, D.T.L. Galhena, F. Tomarchio, Y. Lin, E. Moreno, J.B. Roldan, E. Koren, A.C. Ferrari, M. Lanza.; Small, 17, 2101100 (2021). (pdf). (SI).
486. High-speed hBN/graphene/hBN room-temperature terahertz nano-receivers. L. Viti, A.R. Cadore, D.G. Purdie, J.E. Muench, X. Yang, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, A. Vorobiev, J. Stake, A. Lombardo, A.C. Ferrari, M.S. Vitiello.; Proc. SPIE, 11685, 116851E (2021).
485. Covalently interconnected transition metal dichalcogenide networks via defect engineering for high-performance electronic devices. S. Ippolito, A.G. Kelly, R. Furlan de Oliveira, M.-A. Stoeckel, D. Iglesias, A. Roy, C. Downing, Z. Bian, L. Lombardi, Y.A. Samad, V. Nicolosi, A.C. Ferrari, J.N. Coleman, P. Samori; Nature Nanotechnol. 16, 592 (2021). (pdf). SI (pdf).
484. 2021 Roadmap on Lithium Sulfur Batteries J. Robinson, K. Xi, R.V. Kumar, A.C. Ferrari, H. Au, M.-M. Titirici, A. Parra-Puerto, A. Kucernak, S.D.S. Fitch, N. Garcia-Araez, Z. Brown, M. Pasta, L. Furness, A. Kibler, D. Walsh, L. Johnson, C. Holc, G. Newton, N. Champness, F. Markoulidis, C. Crean, R. Slade, E. Andritsos, Q. Cai, S. Babar, T. Zhang, C. Lekakou, A. Rettie, N.N. Kulkarni, R. Jervis, M. Cornish, M. Marinescu, G. Offer, Z. Li, L. Bird, C. Grey, M. Chhowhalla, D. Di Lecce, T. Miller, D. Brett, R. Owen, S. Liatard, D. Ainsworth, P. Shearing.; J. Phys. Energy (2021), DOI: 10.1088/2515-7655/abdb9a. (pdf).
483. Non-equilibrium Band Broadening, Gap Renormalization and Band Inversion in Black Phosphorus. H. Hedayat, A. Ceraso, G. Soavi, S. Akhavan, A. Cadore, C. Dallera, G. Cerullo, A.C. Ferrari, E. Carpene.; 2D Mater. 8, 025020 (2021). (pdf).
482. Thermoelectric graphene photodetectors with sub-nanosecond response times at terahertz frequencies. L. Viti, A.R. Cadore, X. Yang, A. Vorobiev, J.E. Muench, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, J. Stake, A.C. Ferrari, M.S. Vitiello.; Nanophotonics, 10, 89 (2021). (pdf).
481. Efficient phonon cascades in hot photoluminescence of WSe2 monolayers. I. Paradisanos, G. Wang, E.M. Alexeev, A.R. Cadore, X. Marie, A.C. Ferrari, M.M. Glazov, B. Urbaszek.; Nature Commun. 12, 538 (2021). (pdf). SI (pdf).
480. Graphene-Based Interconnects for Stable Dye-Sensitized Solar Modules P. Mariani, A. Agresti, L. Vesce, S. Pescetelli, A.L. Palma, F. Tomarchio, P. Karagiannidis, A.C. Ferrari, A. Di Carlo.; ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 4, 98 (2021). (pdf).
479. Weak Distance Dependence of Hot-Electron-Transfer Rates at the Interface between Monolayer MoS2 and Gold. C. Hu, H.J. Yong. J. He, R. Long, A.R. Cadore, I. Paradisanos, A.K. Ott, G. Soavi, S. Tongay, G. Cerullo, A.C. Ferrari, O. V. Prezhdo, Z.-H. Loh.; ACS Nano, 15, 819 (2021). (pdf).
478. Wafer-scale integration of graphene-based photonic devices. M.A. Giambra, V. Miseikis, S. Pezzini, S. Marconi, A. Montanaro, F. Fabbri, V. Sorianello, A.C. Ferrari, C. Coletti, M. Romagnoli; ACS Nano (2021), DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.0c09758 (pdf).
477. Thermoelectric graphene photodetectors with sub-nanosecond response times at terahertz frequencies. L. Viti, A.R. Cadore, X. Yang, A. Vorobiev, J.E. Muench, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, J. Stake, A.C. Ferrari, M.S. Vitiello. Nanophotonics 10, 89 (2021). (pdf).
476. Exciton-phonon coupling strength in single-layer MoSe2 at room temperature. D. Li, C. Trovatello, S. Dal Conte, M. Nuß, G. Soavi, G. Wang, A.C. Ferrari, G. Cerullo, T. Brixner.; Nature Communications, 12, 954 (2021). (pdf).