52. Acoustic phonon propagation and elastic properties of nano-sized carbon films investigated by Brillouin light scattering. M. G. Beghi, C. S. Casari, A. Libassi, C. E. Bottani, A. C. Ferrari, J. Robertson, P. Milani;Thin Solid films. 420, 300 (2002) .
51. Is stress necessary to stabilize sp3 bonding in diamond-like carbon? A. C. Ferrari, S. E. Rodil, J. Robertson, W. I. Milne; Diam. Rel. Mat. 11, 994 (2002) .
50. Highest optical gap tetrahedral amorphous carbon. K. B. K. Teo, A. C. Ferrari, G. Fanchini, S. E. Rodil, J. Yuan, J. H. T. Tsai, E. Laurenti, A. Tagliaferro, J. Robertson, W. I. Milne; Diam. Rel. Mat. 11, 1086 (2002).
49. Low-temperature investigation of paramagnetic centres in tetrahedral amorphous carbon deposited by S-bend FCVA. G. Fanchini, A. Tagliaferro, D. Dasgupta, E. Laurenti, A. C. Ferrari, K. B. K. Teo, W. I. Milne, J. Robertson; J. Non-Cryst Solids. 299, 840 (2002) .
48. Bonding and Mechanical Properties of ultrathin Diamond-like Carbon films. M. G. Beghi, A. C. Ferrari, K. B. K. Teo, J. Robertson, C. E. Bottani, A. Libassi, B. K. Tanner; Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 3804 (2002) .
47. Elastic constants and structural properties of nanometre thick diamond-like carbon films. M. G. Beghi, A. C. Ferrari, C. E. Bottani, B. K. Tanner, K. B. K. Teo, J. Robertson; Diam. Rel. Mat. 11, 1062 (2002) .
46. Structural and Mechanical Properties of low stress ta-C Films Prepared by Pulsed Laser Deposition with Varying Laser Intensity. M. Bonelli, A. C. Ferrari, A. P. Fioravanti, A. Libassi A. Miotello, P. M. Ossi; Eur. Phys. J. B 25, 269 (2002) .
45. Measurement of the elastic constants of nanometer-thick films. M. G. Beghi, C. E. Bottani, A. Li Bassi, P. M. Ossi, B. K. Tanner, A. C. Ferrari, J. Robertson, Mat. Sci. Eng. C 19, 201 (2002) .
44. Determination of Bonding in diamond-like carbon by Raman spectroscopy. A. C. Ferrari; Diam. Rel. Mat. 11, 1053 (2002) .
43. Interpretation of resonant Raman and infrared spectra of amorphous, nanostructured and diamond-like carbon films . A. C. Ferrari; Proc. of the XVIIIth int. Conf. On Raman Spectroscopy, Ed. by J. Mink et al., p. 459, John Wiley & Sons (Chichester, 2002).
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